Timeframes for Obtaining SEIS Tax Relief Claims

The Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) provides attractive tax relief claims for investors. However, understanding and adhering to specific deadlines, along with the amendment process, is essential to fully benefiting from the scheme. Therefore, here’s a detailed overview of the timeframes and procedures for making and amending SEIS tax relief claims.

Initial SEIS Tax Relief Claim Deadlines

To begin with, investors must ensure they meet the deadlines for claiming SEIS tax relief claims:

  • Income Tax Relief: Investors need to claim SEIS tax relief claims within five years from the 31st January following the tax year in which the investment was made.
  • Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Reinvestment Relief: Similarly, claims for CGT reinvestment relief must be made within the same timeframe—five years from the 31st January after the tax year of the investment.

For instance, if you invested in SEIS shares in the 2022/2023 tax year, the deadline for claiming either income tax relief or CGT reinvestment relief would be 31st January 2029.

Amending a Previous Claim

If you need to amend a previous SEIS claim, you can do so under certain conditions. The amendment process is straightforward but must adhere to specific time limits:

  • Time Limits for Amendments:

You can amend your SEIS claims within 12 months from the original filing deadline of the tax return in which the claim was made.

For example, if you filed your tax return for the 2022/2023 tax year on 31st January 2024, you have until 31st January 2025 to amend your SEIS claim.

Process for Making Amendments:

Follow these steps to amend your SEIS claims effectively:

  1. Review Your Tax Return:
    First, thoroughly review your tax return to identify the specific SEIS claim that requires amendment. This will help ensure you know precisely what needs updating.
  2. Submit an Amendment:
    Next, log in to your HMRC online account. From there, select the option to amend your tax return. Carefully follow the instructions to update the relevant SEIS claim details, making sure all information is accurate and complete.
  3. Contact HMRC:
    If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, contact HMRC directly. They can provide guidance on the amendment process and help resolve any problems that may arise.

Flexibility and Requirements

Understanding the flexibility within the SEIS framework can further help investors maximise their SEIS tax relief claims. Consider the following key points:

  • Carry Back Relief:
    SEIS allows investors to carry back the relief to the previous tax year, offering flexibility to maximise tax benefits across two years.
  • Documentation:
    Moreover, it is crucial to keep detailed records of all investments and correspondence with HMRC to support any claims or amendments.

Worked Example

Let’s consider a scenario to illustrate the process:


You invested £50,000 in SEIS shares during the 2022/2023 tax year and claimed £25,000 income tax relief on your 2022/2023 tax return, filed on 31st January 2024. Later, you realise that you reported the investment amount incorrectly.


To resolve this, log in to your HMRC account before 31st January 2025, navigate to the relevant tax return, and amend the SEIS investment amount. Update the claim to reflect the correct investment details.

To maximise your SEIS benefits, adhere to the claim deadlines and understand the SEIS amendment process. These timeframes and procedures provide the flexibility needed to ensure you fully benefit from SEIS tax relief claims.

How Can Apex Accountants Help with SEIS Tax Relief Claims?

Apex Accountants are experts in SEIS claim flexibility and can offer comprehensive guidance on maximising your tax benefits through the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme. Our team of experienced SEIS experts UK can assist you with:

  • Identifying eligible SEIS investments that align with your financial goals.
  • Ensuring your SEIS tax relief claims adhere to the necessary timeframes and requirements.
  • Providing support in amending SEIS claims if needed.
  • Optimising your SEIS tax relief claims through carry-back relief and other strategies.
  • Maintaining accurate records and documentation for SEIS investments.

By partnering with Apex Accountants, you can navigate the SEIS landscape with confidence and maximise your tax savings. Contact us today to learn more about our SEIS claim flexibility services and how we can help you achieve your financial objectives.

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