Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
How much you’ll get
Your employer will get a grant to cover 80% of your monthly earnings, up to a maximum of £2,500.
Firms will be eligible for the grant once you have been furloughed, from 1 March.
Your employer
You’ll still pay Income Tax, National Insurance contributions and any other deductions from your wage.
If you are concerned that your employer is not paying you what you are entitled to, then you should raise this with your employer in the first instance, then with Acas (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service).
How your monthly earnings are calculated
If you’ve been employed (or engaged by an employment business in the case of agency workers) for a full year, employers will claim for the higher of either:
If you’ve been employed for less than a year, employers will claim for an average of your monthly earnings since you started work. The same arrangements apply if your monthly pay varies, such as if you are on a zero-hour contract.
If you started work in February 2020, your employer will pro-rata your earnings from that month.
Bonuses, commissions and fees are not included as part of your monthly earnings.
More information are available from the Government website about Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme